Victorious Mindset

The Spartans say that any army may win while it still has legs under it; the real test comes when all strength is fled and the men must produce victory on will alone.
— Xeones from The Gates Of Fire, Steven Pressfield

     Will and determination are necessary for success. No matter what the objective, you must pursue it with all your heart. If you are not willing to work relentlessly, regardless of circumstance, chances are you don't really desire the outcome as much as you think. If you give up on your goals so easily and are unwilling to persist through difficult times, you will never achieve anything of substance. Things will not always be perfect; very rarely will that be the case. Prepare your mind now for this inevitable part of the journey to success. Tell yourself every morning that no matter what, you will keep moving forward. Seriously, actually say this to yourself. Multiple times even, every single day. Develop an indomitable spirit and let nothing stop you from reaching your goals. If you never give up, you can't lose.

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